

Legislative Roundup

Joe Khan has been endorsed in his bid for state attorney general by Emgage Action

Rep. Marcell announces re-election bid

If elected to another term, she wants to focus on the issues of inflation, healthcare and public safety

Wolf signs law to help prepare for general election

The Department of State is required to publish a report on the June 2 primary election to help identify any necessary changes to the Pennsylvania Election Code before the general election in November

Commissioners unveil transition team report on improving government

It recommends enhancing workforce development efforts, refurbishing county parks and more

Wolf: Progress from House Judiciary on police reform is encouraging, timely

Amendments address the creation of a database of previous disciplinary actions for use in the hiring process for law enforcement

Fitzpatrick joins colleagues in introducing the Great American Outdoors Act

This landmark legislation would fully and permanently fund the Land and Water Conservation Fund and work to repair maintenance issues in national parks

Fitzpatrick, Lamb introduce Never Again International Outbreak Prevention Act

The legislation would provide accountability with respect to international reporting and monitoring of outbreaks of novel viruses and diseases, sanction bad actors and review the actions of the World Health Organization

Fitzpatrick honored by United States Chamber of Commerce

Congressman Brian Fitzpatrick was recognized for demonstrating bipartisan leadership and constructive governing

Bucks state Representatives announce grants for county

$100,000 will go to the Network of Victim Assistance so it can train male forensic interviewers so child victims have a choice of the gender of their interviewer

Galloway introduces two COVID-19-related financial services bills

The bills would waive penalties for early CD withdrawals and remote banking/ATM charges during COVID-19

Wolf signs domestic violence bill

Senate Bill 275 allows previous convictions of strangulation to be considered in sentencings for subsequent cases and in child custody proceedings

Bucks County Commissioners to meet June 17

The 10 a.m. meeting will be broadcast via live-stream on Facebook, public comment is invited
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