Home Politics Recorder of Deeds sends 61 old books to Kofile

Recorder of Deeds sends 61 old books to Kofile

The preservation of these books was made possible by a $125,000 grant received from the National Park Service in conjunction with the Institute of Museum and Library Services

Historic significance: From left: Linda Salley, president of the African American Museum of Bucks County; Bucks County Commissioner Robert Harvie; and Bucks County Recorder of Deeds Robin Robinson. Source: BucksCounty.org

Recorder of Deeds Robin Robinson recently sent 61 old books to Kofile, the preservation company located in Essex, Vermont.

The preservation of these books was made possible by a $125,000 grant received from the National Park Service in conjunction with the Institute of Museum and Library Services. The grant, called Save America’s Treasures, funds preservation on nationally significant historic collections.

These books, most recorded by Quakers pre-Civil War, feature slave records, including emancipation.

Linda Salley, president of the African American Museum of Bucks County, said, “I’m grateful to be a part of this, to share this history with all of Bucks County and the world.”

Newly elected Bucks County Commissioner Bob Harvie was also there to see these books off to Kofile.

“As a history teacher for over two decades, I fully appreciate and support efforts to preserve our shared history,” he said. “I want to thank the Recorder of Deeds, Robin Robinson, and the National Park Service for securing grant funding for this important project.”

The preservation of these books will take several weeks to complete. They are expected back in the care of the Recorder of Deeds office sometime in April.