HomeHampton TimesJordan Yeager tops endorsements for Common Pleas Judge by Bucks Democratic Committee

Jordan Yeager tops endorsements for Common Pleas Judge by Bucks Democratic Committee

He exceeded the 60 percent threshold for receiving the endorsement, and was the only candidate endorsed on the ballot

The Times

The Bucks County Democratic Committee has overwhelmingly endorsed Jordan Yeager for Judge of the Court of Common Pleas of Bucks County. The Committee, which is the authorized body of the Democratic Party in Bucks County, held its endorsement meeting recently at Klinger Middle School in Upper Southampton.

More than 91 percent of Committee members voted for Yeager on the first ballot, with 328 out of 359 members present voting for Yeager. He far exceeded the 60 percent threshold for receiving the Committee’s endorsement and was the only candidate endorsed on the ballot. The endorsement means that Democratic Committee people through the county will be working to help Yeager win in the May 21 primary election and the November general election.

“I am deeply honored to be endorsed by the Bucks County Democratic Committee,” Yeager said. “The vote shows that the Committee recognizes my experience and my lifelong dedication to fighting for fairness and justice for all.”

Yeager’s 2013 landmark victory in the Pennsylvania Supreme Court was the first case in history declaring a state law unconstitutional because it violated the environmental rights of Pennsylvanians.

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