In August, Middletown Township received its Year Two Measurement and Verification Report assessing reduced energy utilization and costs from a LED light conversion project. In 2017, the township worked with several key partners, including the Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission, to convert all streetlights in the community to light emitting diode (LED) lights. LED lights are one of the most energy efficient and ecologically-friendly ways to add light.
In all, more than 3,800 lights were replaced with LEDs. The township’s streetlights and several light fixtures at township parks and facilities were included in this change.
The report, completed by Johnson Controls, affirmed that in the period between April 2019 and March 2020, the township saved $122,303. With additional savings in year one, the LED light program has saved the township a total of $323,467.
The township is currently converting light fixtures at the Municipal Center to LED lights to provide further energy savings.