Home Politics Republican bill package addresses energy affordability

Republican bill package addresses energy affordability

Rep. Joe Hogan’s proposal would extend the Property Tax/Rent Rebate Program to account for utility costs in determining the amount of relief provided to claimants


A group of state House Representatives, including Joe Hogan (R-Bucks), is introducing a package of bills that will address energy affordability across the commonwealth. 

“Households across the commonwealth experience the impacts of high energy costs, as some are forced to reduce spending on food, medicine or other necessities in order to heat their homes,” the representatives said. “This is unacceptable, especially when rising prices are attributable to government regulations and policies. Our bill package seeks to correct these wrongs and put Pennsylvanians, not the energy companies or bureaucratic red tape, in control.” 

Hogan’s proposal would extend the Property Tax/Rent Rebate Program to account for utility costs in determining the amount of relief provided to claimants within the current income eligibility and rebate amount parameters.

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