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Money to develop park

A $250,000 grant from the state Department of Conservation and Natural Resources will further develop Broad Commons Park

Sen. Steve Santarsiero (D-10th dist.) announced that Doylestown Borough was awarded a grant for $250,000 from the state Department of Conservation and Natural Resources for the further development of Broad Commons Park.

The expansion of Broad Commons Park is the second phase of the borough’s project to develop the park, providing a playground for children ages 5-12, including custom and inclusive play structures. The project will also include required safety surfacing, fencing, ADA access and landscaping.

“The Broad Commons Park development project has been transformative for Doylestown Borough, remediating the former PennDOT maintenance site and turning it into a green space for our entire community to enjoy,” Santarsiero said. “The addition of the Tot Lot will make the park a great option for families, provide increased recreational opportunities for area youth, and highlight the legacy of Henry Mercer and the rich history of our region with tilework and artistic design.”

The state grant is through DCNR’s Community Conservation Partnership Program. Funds from this program had already been awarded for 2022, but an additional grant round was added with funds from this year’s 2022-2023 budget.

Santarsiero applauded the availability of additional funds saying, “This year’s budget saw historic investments in the outdoors and our park system. Thank you, Gov. Wolf, for your continued commitment to conservation and outdoor recreation projects like the Broad Commons Park project.”

In 2019, Santarsiero secured $1.5 million in Redevelopment Assistance Capital Program funds to acquire and redevelop the existing PennDOT maintenance facility on the corner of North Broad and Doyle streets to build a new Doylestown Borough Hall, the Central Bucks Regional Police Department and Broad Commons Park.

The second phase of the park project will cost $584,667, with the additional funding provided through a local match.