HomeBensalem TimesLocal Girl Scouts receive Gold Awards

Local Girl Scouts receive Gold Awards

Earning this prestigious honor tasked the high schoolers with helping to fix a problem in their community

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A number of members from the Girl Scouts of Eastern Pennsylvania’s Bucks County chapters recently earned a Gold Award — a prestigious honor available to those in grades nine through 12.

Those aiming to earn this title must use everything they’ve learned as a Girl Scout to help fix a problem in their community, or make a lasting change in their world. They form a team of experts and community leaders who provide guidance, submit a project proposal and lead the team in carrying out the plan.

Below is a list of local Gold Award Girl Scouts:

Reagan W.: Troop 2268, SU 629, class of 2023. For her project “Bat Box Builders,” Reagan made 12 full-size bat boxes to support the rapidly declining bat population in Bucks County. In addition, she made simple, easy-to-read information flyers to leave at locations where the bat boxes are mounted. Her goal was to take away a bit of the fear that comes with bats and introduce children to the benefits bats provide as part of our ecosystem.

Sabrina A.: Troop 2697, SU 621, class of 2022. For her project “Helping Out Animal Shelters,” Sabrina addressed taking care of animals in shelters and helping them find a forever home. She educated younger children about the importance of making a commitment to a pet before adopting and how domesticated animals help humans, such as service animals.

Chakrika A.: Juliette, SU 616, class of 2023. The idea for Chakrika’s project “Welcome Boxes: Messages of Hope” came to her after learning about the foster care system and what children experience while awaiting placement. She engaged her team to make Welcome Boxes, which contained games, snacks, water, toiletries, books and cards with messages of hope and positivity. The boxes were something the children could take to their placements and provided them with something that was theirs to keep.

Julia C.: Troop 2147, SU 624, class of 2021. For her project “Prayer Garden,” Julia honored a classmate while addressing the issues of well-being, mental health and faith in her community. She created a prayer garden and prayer book that students can use to pray, unwind and meditate.

Olivia D.: Troop 2992, SU 619, class of 2022. For her initiative “Project Foster Family Relief,” Olivia created an educational program for volunteers who foster rescue animals. She also created dog toys, tote bags and tie blankets to create care packages that were given to foster families.

Genevieve E.: Troop 2974, SU 629, class of 2021. For her project “Education Program to Reduce, Reuse and Recycle — Reducing Your Carbon Footprint,” Genevieve provided educational workshops for children in grades 1-6, teaching them how they can make a change in their lifestyle that will help the environment over time. Her sessions included a craft that encouraged reducing, reusing and recycling items that can be harmful to the environment.

Elayna F.: Troop 230, SU 629, class of 2022. For her project “A Library for the Lewis School,” Elayna created a mobile library for the students at The Lewis School, a school for children with dyslexia and other learning challenges. She collected more than 500 books for the library and created a digital database of all the books. Lastly, she wanted to connect with a dyslexic author, and achieved that by speaking with Henry Winkle.

Sarah H.: Troop 2285, SU 616, class of 2022. For her project “Take Class Outside!,” Sarah built an outdoor classroom at John Barclay Elementary School. She was inspired to complete this project because of the emphasis on outdoor learning environments during the pandemic. Over the course of two days, she and her team arranged benches, set up an information center, weeded and fixed the garden boxes and planted the perennial plants that will regrow each year.

Julia H.: Troop 2020, SU 615, class of 2023. For her project “QCHS Underclassmen Salute: Seniors, You’ve Left Lifelong Imprints on Our Hearts,” Julia created a video comprised of congratulatory and farewell messages to Quakertown Community High School seniors from the underclassmen. She solicited videos via social media and asked her peers to create videos, as well as a few teachers who taught the class of 2021. Her video project emphasized the relationships and connections that QCHS has as a 9-12 school and showed the seniors that what you do and say, and how you act, influences and impacts those young people who are watching.

Zoe K.: Troop 21733, SU 619, class of 2024. For her project “Meditation Labyrinth,” Zoe created and built a meditation labyrinth at the Stockton Presbyterian Church in Stockton, New Jersey. With her team, she transformed the church’s prior playground area into a beautiful labyrinth and made the area more inviting by adding plants, flowers, grass and a bench.

Natalie L.: Troop 21809, SU 616, class of 2021. For her project “Spreading Awareness About Endangered Species,” Natalie and her team refurbished the Zoo Bowl Theater at Elmwood Park Zoo. They made this outdoor theater accessible to all guests so that they can enjoy the animal shows and learn more about endangered species. Since the zoo has an autism-friendly designation, she incorporated bright colors into the mural and pavers to be visually appealing to guests with autism.

Jane M.: Troop 21275, SU 616, class of 2021. For her project “Correcting Nature Deficit Disorder in Elementary School Aged Kids,” Jane addressed the lack of clean, safe and enjoyable educational facilities at Nike Park. She reconstructed the bird blind, installed educational signs and built benches. She also prevented water damage from affecting the structural integrity of the blind by installing a new gutter helmet and rerouting the downspout.

Juliana M.: Troop 2697, SU 621, class of 2022. For her project “RELIC Wreaths,” Juliana created wreaths for the doors of hospice patients at Chandler Hall. She created interchangeable plaques for the wreaths so the hospice staff can easily change them for different holidays.

Chloe M.: Troop 21733, SU 619, class of 2024. For her project “Bucks, Birds and Bees,” Chloe aimed to prevent the extinction of pollinators and bluebirds in her local community. She made bee hotels, screech owl huts and signage that explains the importance of these creatures.

Maura O.: Troop 2578, SU 620, class of 2022. For her project “Bags for Babies,” Maura aimed to address the issue of neonatal abstinence syndrome, which occurs when babies are born addicted to opioids and experience withdrawal symptoms immediately. With her team, she distributed bags of baby care items to the mothers of these babies, and presented information to new moms about the importance of immunizations and literacy.

Autumn D.: Troop 23, SU 616, class of 2021. For her project “Helping Rescue Animals,” Autumn aimed to raise awareness of homeless animals, animals in need and support of local rescue organizations in her community. She collected materials to make no-sew dog and cat beds of various sizes, then worked with Girl Scout troops to make the beds.

Kelly S.: Troop 2385, SU 621, class of 2023. For her project “Cat Rescue Remodeling,” Kelly aimed to help the homeless cat population in her area by helping Rescue Purrfect remodel its new location. She and her team painted murals, designed and installed mod structures on the walls, and provided cat scratch houses.

Tara S.: Troop 2147, SU 624, class of 2021. For her project “STEM Kidz,” Tara aimed to bridge the STEM gap for inner city kids. She made a website, which gives step-by-step learning curriculums, worksheets at multiple grade levels, and fun activities to get these kids interested in science and math. She also hosted a seminar with kids to aid this process.

Ashley S.: Troop 2367, SU 621, class of 2021. For her project “New Cabinetry Installation at St. Mark’s AME Zion Church,” Ashley installed cabinets, which increase storage and organization where the church provides meals for the local homeless population.

Emma S.: Troop 2105, SU 624, class of 2024. For her project “Hammock Garden: Elevate Your Camping,” Emma built a hammock garden at Tohickon Valley Park in Bucks County. It can be rented through the Bucks County Parks Department by families, scouts and other groups. She also created two videos that can be accessed from signs at the entrance to the hammock garden. One video teaches the seven Leave No Trace principles, and the other teaches visitors how to use the hammock garden to camp or just enjoy the outdoors.

Taylor S.: Troop 2385, SU 621, class of 2023. Taylor’s project “Mission — The Giving Garden” addressed the reasons for the decline of pollinators in the environment and how their diminishing numbers will affect food supplies, farming and the environment. She created a pollinator habitat for a community senior center, created an interactive website to show how to build a personal backyard pollinator garden, and distributed pamphlets that explained the causes of destruction of pollinators and ways to change this destruction.

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