Ilya Breyman, the Democratic candidate in the 178th Legislative District, issued the following statement after the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v Wade:
“I am deeply concerned by the decision of the Supreme Court to overturn Roe v. Wade. This decision deprives over 150 million American women of a constitutionally protected right many have held for their entire lives. This poses a direct challenge to the principles of self-determination and personal freedom at the core of what America is about.
“This fight now goes to Harrisburg, where the right-wing populists holding hostage the party of Lincoln and Reagan are demanding that their hyper-conservative worldview be imposed on all Pennsylvanians. They seek to take any freedoms that conflict with their personal beliefs, cloaking their authoritarian tendencies in the shadow of fear and division. Their authoritarian hypocrisy is on full display as they claim to be ‘pro-life’ while simultaneously defunding and voting against women’s health, guaranteed parental leave, access to contraception and quality childcare and early education. We also know from history, that making abortion illegal will not stop abortions. It will stop safe abortions. It will put women’s lives at risk, and we simply cannot go back.
“I respect those who are personally pro-life and respect the choice of those who would not have an abortion. However, it is the freedom to make that choice that is on the line now. Anti-choice activists claim that their religious beliefs are under attack whenever a woman makes the difficult choice to terminate a pregnancy. However, their religious persuasion is not cause to deny rights to every American. As a Jewish-American, my faith espouses that the life of the mother is paramount to all other concerns. We are commanded to protect her life at all costs. This ruling tramples on that commandment and undermines the fundamental right of millions to be true to their faith.
“I have proudly defined myself as a moderate, more in search of solutions than any political outcome. I’ve voted for and supported candidates from all walks of life and political persuasions. Today, though, I look back and remember the first time I looked into my daughter’s eyes. As I stood in that maternity ward, looking into her perfect, beautiful gaze, I saw the limitless potential of new life. Today, that same gaze motivates me to fight harder and harder, so she is afforded the same rights, opportunity and potential of the generation who came before her.
“These rights are too important to compromise on and they are too important to give up without a fight. My opponents have already chosen to stand with those who will take these rights away. I choose to stand with Pennsylvania women.”
Breyman faces Republican Kristin Marcell for the seat held by Republican Rep. Wendi Thomas, who is not seeking another term.