HomeLanghorne-Levittown TimesAnnual Holiday Sock Drive collects 3,000 pairs for youth in need

Annual Holiday Sock Drive collects 3,000 pairs for youth in need

The initiative, now in its ninth year, benefits Valley Youth House and the Bucks County Emergency Homeless Shelter


Newtown podiatrist Dr. Lawrence Kalker recently partnered with Valley Youth House in Warminster and the Bucks County Emergency Homeless Shelter in Levittown for the ninth annual Holiday Sock Drive to benefit both facilities.

This year, more than 3,000 pairs of brand new socks were donated by Kalker’s patients and other generous community members. Since 2013, more than 13,000 pairs of socks have been collected.

Valley Youth House is a 13-bed facility for runaway, homeless, troubled, abused and neglected boys and girls ages 17 and under. The shelter is a safe haven for young people with the ultimate goal of having them rejoin their families. Visit valleyyouthhouse.org or call 215-442-9760 for more information.

Bucks County Emergency Homeless Shelter, which is operated by the Family Service Association of Bucks County, is a temporary residence for individuals and families who have lost safe and stable housing. Visit fsabc.org or call 215-949-1727 for more information.

Kalker Podiatry specializes in geriatric, pediatric and family foot care. Kalker treats all conditions affecting the foot and ankle, including sports injuries and diabetic foot disorders. Visit kalkerpodiatry.com or call 215-968-4048 for more information.

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