Home Hampton Times Northampton Township announces upcoming 300th anniversary celebration

Northampton Township announces upcoming 300th anniversary celebration

Events and activities are planned throughout 2022

Northampton Township supervisor Eileen Silver recently announced that Dec. 14, 2022 marks the 300th anniversary of the incorporation of Northampton Township.

A 300th Anniversary Committee has been formed to plan a slew of activities throughout the year that will encompass the slogan of cherishing the past, celebrating the present and welcoming the future. Programs and events will focus on the township’s rich history and allow residents of all ages to learn about or share the history they remember. Most events will begin in the spring and include a trivia night, a paint the plow project with local schools, displays at the parks, and ongoing programs at the senior center, library, and fire, police and recreation departments.

Residents should mark their calendar for the 300th Anniversary Festival weekend, scheduled for Sept. 24 and 25. Activities, workshops and performances are planned at township facilities, Tyler State Park, Churchville Nature Center and the Langhorne Rod and Gun Club. On Sunday, Sept. 25, the 300th anniversary will be celebrated at the Northampton Day Festival.

There’s more to come in October with a History Mystery Dinner Gala on Friday, Oct. 14, at the Northampton Valley Country Club. Contests and challenges are scheduled throughout November. Culminating the year of celebrations, the anniversary will be commemorated at the board of supervisors meeting on Dec. 14, 2022 – 300 years to the day when Northampton became a township.

Those interested in sponsoring an event or volunteering should email [email protected]. Visit northamptontownship.com/information/300th-anniversary for more information and updates.