Holland resident Pam Duffey has dedicated countless hours over the last year and a half to one thing – forming a group of over 2,000 residents to protest a possible “super Wawa.”
The market and 16-pump gas station is being proposed by developer Provco Pinegood Northampton, LLC at the Wright property, located at the intersection of Holland, Rocksville and Buck roads. The township’s Planning Commission, which serves in an advisory capacity to the supervisors, previously voted against the plan.
A slew of locals, including Duffey, her husband Gerry and two sons, Shane and Brett, brought picket signs and spoke out during last Wednesday’s Northampton Township board of supervisors meeting. They fear that the chain will ultimately destroy their beloved town.
“Eighteen months ago, February of 2020, nobody even knew about it. To date, 2,600 people have signed the petition against it and everybody knows about it. Mission accomplished,” said Duffey, who explained how the Wright property is considered the “gateway” to Holland. “When people drive into Holland, that’s what they’re going to see. It’s a beautiful property.”
In Duffey’s opinion, the Wawa would make Holland “dangerous, industrial and ugly” and “change the whole feel of the whole area” for current and future generations.
She believes that Provco will develop the land and then sell it to a non-resident who doesn’t care about the town.
“You’re nothing to them. You can’t make them do anything,” she said.

Gerry brought up the fact that there are numerous gas stations within a 2.6-mile radius. He said Holland doesn’t need another one.
Recently, he spoke with a PennDOT engineer for Bucks County, who noticed flaws in the road redesign. With only two exits leading out of the Wawa, traffic would likely back up on Rocksville Road.
Since these roads aren’t walkable, residents are afraid that teens will congregate outside the Wawa at night. While Gerry said this is the case at the “super Wawa” in nearby Richboro, these teens are able to walk to other places like Dunkin’. In Holland, they’d have nowhere to safely go besides the Wawa parking lot, which would be located a mere 70 feet from some houses.
When his son Brett asked the supervisors if it’s appropriate to subject these residents to such late-night noise, chairman Adam Selisker declined to comment. At this point, township solicitor Joe Pizzo chimed in.
“The Provco Wawa application was not on last month’s regular agenda of the board of supervisors. It is not on tonight’s regular agenda of the board of supervisors. It is, however, a pending land development application within this township. It would be imprudent and improper for the board of supervisors to, at this time, express any opinion regarding that application while it is still pending within this township and not formally in front of them with the applicant present,” said Pizzo.
His next words caused attendees to shout out in anger.
“If you want to assure this community that a Wawa will be there, continue to ask the supervisors to comment tonight or at any other time,” he said, as cries of outrage drowned him out. “A land development application in this township and in this commonwealth is entitled to have its application heard without it being pre-judged by the board of supervisors.”
Brett, who was sporting a green shirt to symbolize how Holland residents are trying to preserve green space, called out local elected officials like Congressman Brian Fitzpatrick and state Rep. Wendi Thomas for not aiding in their efforts.
“They should be ashamed of themselves,” he said.
His father added that Provco, which he called a “corporate bully,” is like the song “The Last Resort” by The Eagles. Gerry recited the lyric, “Some rich men came and raped the land. Nobody caught them, put up a bunch of ugly boxes.”
Other public comment participants expressed concern that gas and other toxins will funnel down to the streams and pollute the water. One man called Provco’s plan an “assault” on the Wright property.
Originally, Provco and its attorney were slated to present the plan to the board of supervisors at a special July 7 meeting. This was canceled by the applicant. A new date has yet to be determined.
Samantha Bambino can be reached at [email protected]