Home Politics Dem attack ads on Fitzpatrick called ‘misleading’ by Washington Post

Dem attack ads on Fitzpatrick called ‘misleading’ by Washington Post

A television ad by the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee calls U.S. Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick a “coward” and a member of the QAnon conspiracy theory

The National Republican Congressional Committee is criticizing a new television ad by the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee for calling U.S. Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick, a former FBI special agent, a “coward” and a member of the QAnon conspiracy theory.

Even the fact checker at the liberal Washington Post said the attack ads are misleading.

“In several cases, the only supposed qualification for standing with QAnon is voting against Trump’s second impeachment. That’s ridiculous and certainly worthy of Pinocchios,” the fact checker wrote.

Fitzpatrick has no ties to QAnon and voted for a nonbinding resolution condemning QAnon in October 2020. He supported counterterrorism efforts and embedded with the U.S. Special Forces as part of Operation Iraqi Freedom.

“Washington Democrats have resorted to running disgusting false smears and elevating fringe conspiracy theories because they have zero accomplishments to run on and know their time in the majority is coming to an end,” said NRCC spokeswoman Samantha Bullock.