HomeLanghorne-Levittown TimesMiddletown Township online programming

Middletown Township online programming

Enjoy remote yoga, cartooning and more this week

Middletown Township Parks & Recreation announced its Remote Rec program offerings for this week. The schedule includes:

Monday: Stretching & Guided Meditation with Lynn, from 7 to 7:45 p.m.
Tuesday: Creative Cartooning (Animals) with Mr. David C. Perry, from 1 to 1:45 p.m.; Yoga with Carol, from 6 to 7 p.m.; and Zumba with Carolyn, from 7:15 to 8:15 p.m.
Wednesday: Yoga with Carol, from 9:15 to 10:15 p.m.; and Yang Family Tai Chi with Jason, from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m.
Thursday: Creative Cartooning (Animals) with Mr. David C. Perry, from 1 to 1:45 p.m.; Basic Martial Arts with Scott, from 3:45 to 4:30 p.m.; Yoga with Loretta, from 6 to 7 p.m.; and Zumba with Carolyn, from 7:15 to 8:15 p.m.
Saturday: Yoga with Loretta, from 9:15 to 10:15 a.m.; and Young Rembrandts Virtual Classes (registrants will receive class link Saturday morning)

Stretching & Guided Meditation will be split between 20 minutes of light stretching followed by 25 minutes of guided meditation practice with instructor Lynn Cohen.

Basic Martial Arts with Scott is a fun way for kids to get some energy and learn the basics of karate and other martial arts. The 45-minute class will include guided instruction of the practice, as well as potential for some interactive teaching through screen sharing at the end if time allows. Dress comfortably and give yourself enough space to move around in.

Young Rembrandts will continue to take registration for online drawing lessons. The program is free. Register by visiting parksandrec.middletownbucks.org/live/ParksRec/portal/Home, logging in to your account/creating an account, and registering for “Young Rembrandts Virtual Classes Session 1.” If you have any registration issues, email [email protected] for assistance. Registration will be open throughout the three weeks of the program. Classes are 45 minutes and can be used up to five times until the next class link is sent out.

To join any of the classes, use the following instructions:

– GoToMeeting is used for online classes; to enter the class, visit gotomeet.me/MiddletownParksRecreation a few minutes before class is set to start
– You do not need a webcam or microphone to enter the class, just a computer to view the class from that has speakers to hear class instructions; if you do have a webcam and microphone, make sure you turn your camera off and mute your microphone, if they are not already muted by the instructor
– GoToMeeting will ask you to download an app or a plug in for your web browser; please follow the instructions when it prompts you to complete this process after clicking the link
– If you are using a tablet or smartphone, you will need to download the app from your app store; when you are in the app, search for “MiddletownParksRecreation” in the “Join A Meeting” section

Email feedback to [email protected]. This will allow the department to improve these programs.

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