HomeBensalem TimesDept. of Aging offers online COVID-19 resource guide for older Pennsylvanians

Dept. of Aging offers online COVID-19 resource guide for older Pennsylvanians

Legal assistance also remains available

The Pennsylvania Department of Aging has launched an online COVID-19 resource guide to help older adults easily find useful information related to their health, safety and wellbeing.

The guide is housed at aging.pa.gov/Pages/covid-guide-for-older-adults.aspx and provides older adults, their families and caregivers with information on a variety of subjects, including meals, prescriptions, protective services, scams, and how to stay active and connected.

“The Department of Aging’s top priority is to ensure that the needs of older Pennsylvanians are being met. This online guide presents an overview of the resources that can help older adults maintain their health and safety during this critical time,” said Aging Secretary Robert Torres. “Our department will continue to monitor these essential needs and make any changes required in our effort to provide uninterrupted services.”

The department has also offered guidance for aging services to help meet the needs of older Pennsylvanians while maintaining safety. This guidance, along with all of the programs that the Department of Aging provides, can be found at aging.pa.gov/Pages/default.aspx.

Additionally, as Pennsylvanians follow Gov. Tom Wolf’s stay-at-home order and social distancing guidelines during the COVID-19 emergency, the Department of Aging and the Pennsylvania Supreme Court’s Office of Elder Justice in the Courts remind older adults and their families that essential court functions and legal assistance remain available.

“The Wolf administration is committed to protecting Pennsylvania’s most vulnerable citizens in every aspect of their lives during this outbreak,” said Torres. “Situations requiring immediate legal protections don’t stop during this crisis. The courts and legal advocates for older adults are available to provide essential services and assistance.”

“The Pennsylvania Department of Aging and the Pennsylvania Supreme Court’s Office of Elder Justice in the Courts are committed to the protection of older Pennsylvanians during the COVID-19 crisis,” said Supreme Court Justice Debra Todd. “During these uncertain times, we want all older Pennsylvanians to know that the courts in Pennsylvania remain available for emergencies to ensure you are protected.”

While courts have generally been ordered closed to the public through April 30, there are essential court functions that are still being conducted. These essential functions include:

– Temporary protection from abuse actions
– Civil mental health reviews
– Guardianship defense and representation
– Any pleadings or motions relating to public health concerns and involving immediate and irreparable harm
– Emergency petitions related to protection of abused or neglected children
– Any other function deemed by a president judge to be essential and consistent with constitutional requirements

Senior-serving organizations available to help with legal assistance during this crisis include:

– Pennsylvania SeniorLAW Helpline: 877-PA SR LAW (877-727-7529)
– Center for Advocacy for the Rights and Interests of the Elderly (CARIE): 800-356-3606
– PA Pennsylvania Law Help: Help Line 800-274-3258 or palawhelp.org

Two essential functions of the Department of Aging are advocating for the rights of older adults and protecting them from abuse, neglect, exploitation and/or abandonment. Anyone suspecting elder abuse can contact their local Area Agency on Aging or call the statewide Elder Abuse Reporting Hotline at 1-800-490-8505, which is operational 24/7, 365 days per year.

Visit aging.pa.gov for more information.

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