Home Bristol Times What is it Worth? Antiques Roadshow at Grundy

What is it Worth? Antiques Roadshow at Grundy

Evaluate family treasures on March 20

The Times

Is grandmother’s china worth more than fond memories of Sunday dinners at her table? How about the horde of stuffed toy bears that you collected obsessively in your youth?

The public is invited to the Margaret R. Grundy Memorial Library, 680 Radcliffe St., Bristol, on Wednesday, March 20 at 6:30 p.m., when Michael Ivankovich, GPPA, MPPA, shares insights into the world of antiques with his presentation What is it Worth? Antiques Roadshow.

A regular speaker on local radio station WBCB 1490 AM, Ivankovich will discuss the concept of “value” in today’s economy, as well as the worth of antiques, collectibles, and personal treasures.

Seating is limited and registration is required. Register for this free event at grundylibrary.org or by calling 215–788–7891.

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