Bensalem Christian Day School hosts annual Christmas concert for community
By Samantha Bambino
The Times

The skies were bleak and grey on the morning of Friday, Dec. 14, as an impending three days of rain moved ever closer. But inside the walls of Bensalem United Methodist Church, located at 4300 Hulmeville Road, things were a different, much brighter story.
Dozens of parents, relatives and community members convened in the rows of pews, some spilling into the aisles to snag the perfect spot. All were bright-eyed and chattering happily, big smiles on their faces, cameras and phones in hand to capture the event about to unfold.
This was Bensalem Christian Day School’s annual Christmas concert “A Night in Bethlehem,” which featured the adorable talents of its students during two performances at 9 a.m. and 10:30 a.m.
As loved ones trickled in, they enjoyed the musical stylings of organist Connie Kurtiz, who played holiday favorites. During the weeks leading up to the concert, Kurtiz also helped the children practice and learn to sing like angels.
“A Night in Bethlehem” kicked off with the school’s youngest students, who stood side-by-side in matching Santa hats adorned with bells. Led by their teachers, the children sang the traditional “Jingle Bells,” “Ten Little Bells,” “Christmas Bells,” and “Jingle, Jingle Little Bells” to the tune of “Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star.”

The concert continued with a portrayal of the nativity, which school director Lisa Woods narrated. As students Ryan Walsh and Ella Cole walked up the aisle dressed as Joseph and Mary respectively, Woods told the story of how the two took shelter at a stable to await the birth of Jesus since there was no room at an inn.
One by one, Walsh and Cole were joined on the altar by their peers, who played the shepherds, wise men, angels, Angel of the Lord and King Herod.

Once all were gathered together around the manger, the combination of their well-crafted costumes and exquisitely decorated church, which boasted paper snowflakes and sparkling trees, made for a breathtaking sight.
Students and families alike joined in a sing-along of “Silent Night” before the kids transitioned into “Happy Birthday Jesus.” During this portion of the show, Woods carried to the altar a birthday cake, which she lit with several candles.
In true holiday concert fashion, “A Night in Bethlehem” concluded with a final sing-along performance of “We Wish You A Merry Christmas.”
For more information on Bensalem Christian Day School, visit
Samantha Bambino can be reached at [email protected]