Home Hampton Times WirePOLITICS: NRCC questions Santarsiero’s stance on Guantanamo Bay

WirePOLITICS: NRCC questions Santarsiero’s stance on Guantanamo Bay

Tom Waring, the Wire

The National Republican Congressional Committee wants to know if 8th Congressional District Candidate Steve Santarsiero sides with Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders, who want to close the Guantanamo Bay military prison in Cuba and open the door to transferring terrorists onto American soil.

President Barack Obama promised during his campaign in 208 to close the prison. A recent poll showed 56% of Americans oppose the plan.

“Eighth District families deserve to know if Steve Santarsiero supports FBI target Hillary Clinton and socialist Bernie Sanders’ push to close GITMO and bring terrorists onto U.S. soil. No matter who wins the Democratic nomination, Santarsiero will have to answer for a policy that would threaten our national security and endanger American lives,” said NRCC spokesman Chris Pack.

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