Home Hampton Times WirePOLITICS: McIlhinney office is food drive drop location

WirePOLITICS: McIlhinney office is food drive drop location

Tom Waring, the Wire

The district office of state Sen. Chuck McIlhinney (R-10th dist.) will serve as a collection point for donations as part of a charitable food program sponsored by the United Way of Bucks County and the Bucks County Opportunity Council.

Residents are encouraged to drop off non-perishable food items, such as canned goods, granola bars, pasta, rice and cereal, as well as any produce that does not require refrigeration, such as apples, citrus fruits, potatoes and onions. Donations will be accepted through March 10.

McIlhinney’s office is located at 22 South Main St., Suite 220.

The food drive combines the Bucks County Opportunity Council’s Adopt-A-Pantry program and the United Way’s Operation Helping Hand program in order to maximize and better coordinate donations.

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