Home Hampton Times WirePOLITICS: Emil Giordano wins Builders and Contractors endorsement

WirePOLITICS: Emil Giordano wins Builders and Contractors endorsement

Tom Waring, the Wire

The Associated Builders and Contractors Eastern Pennsylvania Chapter have endorsed Republican Emil Giordano for Superior Court.

“Giordano has demonstrated his strong commitment to community and free enterprise values. It is evident that he understands the construction industry and the merit philosophy that ABC represents,” said Mary Tebeau, president and CEO of the ABC Eastern Pennsylvania Chapter.

Since 2003, Giordano has been a judge on the Northampton County Court of Common Pleas. He is unopposed in the May 19 primary and will face the winner of the Democratic primary between Alice Beck Dubow and Robert Colville. He has been “recommended” by the Pennsylvania Bar Association.

Prior to being elected, Giordano served as an assistant district attorney, assistant public defender, civil litigator and as lead counsel in his private law practice. He resides in Bethlehem with his wife, Tina, and his two sons, Joseph and Caden.

ABC Eastern Pennsylvania Chapter represents more than 14,000 construction employees who work for nearly 450 member companies. ABC was founded on the belief that construction projects should be awarded on merit to the most qualified and lowest responsible bidder.