HomeHampton TimesKnits2Go: Rolled brim hat

Knits2Go: Rolled brim hat

Using circular and double pointed needles makes this hat seamless and requires little finishing.PHOTO COURTESY OF UYVONNE BIGHAM

Materials: Plymouth Encore Worsted Colorspun, 75% acrylic/ 25% wool, 200 yds/100g skein. Shown in color blue/purple #7304.

Size: Adult.

US Size 8 (5mm) double pointed and 16” circular needle, or size needed to obtain gauge.

Gauge: 19sts & 26rnds = 4”(10cm) in stockinette stitch on size 8 needles in st st.

Yarn Needle

With circular needle, cast on 80 sts. Join without twisting, pm between first and last st. Work even in st st until hat measures 6 inches.

Shape top:
Rnd 1: K8, k2 tog; rep from around. — 72 sts.
Rnd 2: Knit.
Rnd 3: K7, k2tog; rep from around. — 64 sts.
Rnd 4: Knit.

Continue to dec every other rnd as established, having 1 st less between decs until 14 sts rem.
Knit 1 rnd. Cut yarn leaving a 12” tail. Draw yarn through rem sts twice. Pull tightly and secure.

ABBREVIATIONS: K = knit; PM = place marker; k2tog = knit 2 sts together; rnd = round; St(s) = stitch(es)

For more information, email Uyvonne at uyvonne@aol.com.

Designed by Uyvonne Bigham ©2014. No portion of this pattern may be photocopied or stored in an electronic retrieval system without prior written permission from designer.

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