Home Bristol Times Opinion page — Jan. 29, 2014

Opinion page — Jan. 29, 2014

Letters to the Editor

A vote for Naughton

Friends and neighbors, here I am again, voicing my concept on how politics can affect our lives and what we can do about them.

It appears that there will be a tough contest for the nomination of a candidate for Congress in the Democrat Party. The contest will be between Kevin Strouse and Shaughnessy Naughton.

Both of these young people have considerable backgrounds, and either should be a candidate who will earn your support. After reading some of the available information, I personally like the views put forth by Naughton.

She has been endorsed by several community leaders and politicians and seems to have a broad knowledge of the issues concerning women and senior citizens. Also, she thinks that Congress should put an end to the partisan bickering and get back to getting things done.

Among her many concerns are help for the middle class, expanding and supporting our schools, making sure that reducing our national debt is a task shared by our corporations rather than fall on the back of the middle class. Find ways to help small businesses so they can provide good-paying jobs. Increase support for local transportation to keep our people and goods moving in a growing economy.

Naturally, as a Democrat, she sees the need to protect Social Security, Medicare and veterans’ benefits. She also is concerned with the environment, our energy policy and, in Pennsylvania, the effect of gas drilling and the procedure known as fracking.

As I have said, I am impressed with the depth and breadth of Naughton’s views. I hope you will follow her campaign and come May 20, you will nominate her to run in the November election.

To my Republican friends, in a contested primary, the result can be affected by a small margin, so every vote counts. If you think you might agree with me, please consider changing your registration to Democrat so you can help Naughton win the nomination.

Joe Malloy


We need to save our beloved country

CNN recently reported that the US Chamber of Commerce will be doing everything it can to move comprehensive immigration reform through Congress this year.

Thomas J. Donohue, President and CEO of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce said, “We’re determined to make 2014 the year that immigration reform is finally enacted. The Chamber will pull out all the stops — through grassroots lobbying, communications, politics and partnerships with unions, faith organizations, law enforcement and others — to get it done….”

Is Mr. Donohue’s U.S. Chamber of Commerce now so powerful that he and his allies can determine if and when our immigration laws are reformed and enacted? What has happened to the power of the people? Are our legislators so intimidated that their votes are cast for those from whom they receive the most pressure or money? What about the American people who have no lobbyists, who are not connected to the unions and who do not have any organizations to finance them? Do we now have no representation in our country?

Our immigration laws don’t need to be reformed. They need to be enforced. When the Senate Immigration Bill was being debated, Senator Grassley offered an amendment which would have required illegal aliens seeking legalization to disclose all the names and Social Security numbers that they had ever used. Senator Schumer objected to Senator Grassley’s amendment saying, “I don’t see how, when you’ve lived here 10 years and you’ve had many different identities, many different numbers, you’re going to remember them all.” Can you imagine trying to legalize individuals when we have no idea who they really are or where they came from?

Granting the prized jewel of citizenship to anyone who demands it, would be an act of national suicide. We must be as vocal and demanding as the invaders and their advocates. Call Congress at 1–866–220–0044 or 1–877–762–8762 and tell them to enforce our current immigration laws.

Margaret W. Adelsberger

Willow Grove